

GMP Certification Procedure for Health Food

1、 Inspection methods and evaluation criteria


Special treatment of boastful products such as maca products and blended liquor

Recently, the State Administration of Food and Drug Administration issued a notice requiring the national food and drug regulatory authorities to carry out special measures to address the illegal addition and promotion of the efficacy of three types of food, including health food, blended liquor (mainly blended liquor containing traditional Chinese medicine ingredients), and maca products. The State Administration of Food and Drug Administration has issued a notice requiring the national food and drug regulatory authorities to carry out special governance work on the illegal addition and promotion of efficacy of three types of food, including health food, formulated liquor (mainly containing traditional Chinese medicine ingredients), and maca products.


Declaration of health food nutritional supplements

Requirements for applicants and product qualifications for health food nutritional supplements



Health food sales are expected to rise in e-commerce channels

In recent years, the sales of health food have grown rapidly under the internet model, with sales of health food and similar products on both Tmall,, and individual websites experiencing rapid growth. Many international brands have also joined the ranks of internet marketing of health food, including NBTY and well-known domestic brands. At the same time, segmented professional websites have also emerged, selling not only health food but also other similar products such as dietary supplements. At present, in addition to production-oriented enterprises, there are also a large number of service-oriented enterprises engaged in online sales of health food.
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